Usage instructions

Index Introduction Requirements Features Installation (Usage)
Screen "Areas"
Each screen you will see during the test is divided into three areas. At the top of the screen, the "Title Area" is located. This area is used to display information about "where you are".

Next comes the "Question Area", which is used for descriptions for some other screens, and the questions you are going to answer.

At the bottom of the screen the "Answers Area" is located. This is where you do all your input work (select the right answer, travels back and forth between questions).

There is a "simulated session" available on the screen snapshot pages.

Screens before starting to answer the questions

The "Main Screen"
The first screen you will be shown when you are going to start a test is the "Main Screen". This is from where you select which question database to use. The quiz listing shows a short description of the quiz, number of available questions, and the required score to pass the test.

Here you should select the quiz you want, and then press the "Continue" button.

The "Options Screen"
This screen will be shown after pressing the "Continue" button in the Main Screen. Here, you can read more about the test you are going to take, change the number of questions you will have to go through, and change the time limit to complete the test within (if a time limit is specified for the quiz). Here, you will also be able to enter your user name and password, if the quiz requires authorization. If configured, there may also be available a demo mode with time- and/or question range limitations. If configured as available, you will also be able to select wether or not to shuffle around the answers for the questions. Pressing the "Start" button on this screen will take you to the questions.

Question screens

The "Question Screens"
This is where you get and answer the questions through the test. At the top of the "Title Area" in this screen, you get information on which question you are working with, and how many there are in total. Below the question number, the remaining time to complete the test within are displayed graphically, and below that it is represented as text.

The "Question Area" of the screen shows you the "question type hint text", and below that the question you are going to answer.

The upper part of the "Answer Area" tells you how to answer the question. This text can be "Select the best answer", "Select all that apply", "Select true or false", "Select one answer", "Select two answers" or "Fill in the answer" (not yet finished).

Below that, you are given your answer alternatives for the question. If you are supposed to select only one answer, the choices will be done using "Radio buttons", multiple answers will be selected with check boxes.

The "Action Rows" are located below the answer alternatives (normal). The first row lets you exit the test, without getting your score, straight to the quiz selection screen. The other button, named "Show Answer" will let you have the answer for the question highlited. If there is a comment on the answer, that comment will be shown between the "Action Rows" and the answer alternatives (see question 3 on the screen snapshot pages).

The other "Action Row", below the first one is used to travel back and forth between the questions, and will also let you mark a question for the later "Review Marked" mode. If there is no more questions, the "Next" button to the right will change into an "Item Review" button.

Item review screen and questions in "Review Incomplete" mode
Item review screen and questions in "Review Marked" mode

The "Item Review" screen
The "Item Review" screen lets you double check your answers, answer unanswered questions and check through marked questions. In the "Question Area" of the screen, there is a brief explanation of what you can do here. The "Answer Area" is used to display the question number (which you can jump to directly, by clicking on the number), an "M" image for marked questions, an "I" image for unanswered (incomplete) questions, you answer(s), and the question.

The "Action Row" on this screen has up to five buttons. The leftmost button lets you exit the test straight to the quiz selection screen. The button named "Last Question" lets you jump to the question you were on when you pressed the "Item Review" button. "Review Marked" is used to check through the questions you've marked, "Review Incomplete" lets you check and answer the questions you've left unanswered, and the "Grade Now" button takes you to the "Score Report" screen.

On the "Review Question Screens", another button has been added to the upper "Action Row", which lets you go directly to the "Item Review" screen again (it's located at the left of the "Show Answer" button).

Item review screen, score report screen, and a question in "Error Review" mode

The "Score Report" screen
This screen shows you how well you did on the test. Two bars are used to represent the required score, and your score. Below that you will get a more exact textual score report, and a "grade" if you passed or failed the test. From this screen you can choose to exit to the main screen, or review the questions you answered incorrect (the other button will also be named "Exit" if you got no incorrect answered question).

The "Review Errors" screens
The method for displaying the incorrect answered questions are the same you are used to throughout the quiz. The answer will be highlited, and the answer comment is shown below the answer alternatives. In these screens, there are only one "Action Row", letting you go back and forth between the questions you answered incorrect. You will also, as usual, be able to exit to the main screen, and the "Next" button will turn into an "Exit" button if you're on the last question with an incorrect answer.

Quizzer and its documentation is Copyright © 1999, 2000 by P-O Yliniemi